Beach Club - March 2005

this page is not 'public' yet, - still 'under-construction'...

Ms. Siew Mei - sitting on the 'reject' box in the woods, next to the green-water-container, not being used.

Ms. Tigger, drinking her 'GOOD R/O water' in the shop, on the workbench, water is her enticement to be a good cat and sit on the workbench, and stay out of the way!

NOW - onto some Ms. May pictures from her trip to NCECA in Baltimore and then onwards to visit her Brother Mr. Hong, and his lovely wife Ms. Stella and their two munchkins, all in (well near) Toronto...

These pictures will be forthcoming when Ms. May returns in late March...

Mr. Bill, in the meantime - has been 'attempting' to remove (the 7 pine-tree) stumps in the yard thanks to dead-trees from Ms. Frances and Ms. Jeanne last fall...

This is a VERY BIG stump - about 10" diameter at the top - about 14" at ground-level - it's "mostly" dug-up, now (Sunday afternoon, 20 March) but - as with many other things - the workload increases the closer one is to the end of the project. -probably another couple of hours of digging, rinsing and then, finally, chain-saw-it-off...

BUT _ had to service the chain-saw and have to (yet-to-do) sharpen the blade, - holding the chain-saw at the awkward angle it's going to take to cut this thing off, one wants a really sharp blade!!!

Here's another tree - this one VERY SMALL - maybe only 4" diameter at the top and about 6" at ground-level

AND _ as noted last in last-month's web-page, we made PICKLES! - which are VERY TASTY - receipe on request!

AND - since M & D are moving out of their house in Jax, we'll be taking a lot of their 'stuff' home to Stuart, and it will end-up in our only storage area (the sewing loft)... - I'd accessed the loft, for the last 15 months or so since we moved in with a 'vertical' ladder left by the previous owner...  We'll M & D's decision to move-out and the 'default' realization that we would get a lot of 'stuff' - I didn't want to climb-up the ladder one-handed anymore and I'd ALWAYS WANTED 'real-stairs' to access the loft - well - now we have them!

Here's a 'section' of the web-site that I started last month, this is a "(mostly) useful Web-Links" section. It will be, as you might guess, 'mostly' a collection to computer-related and / or technology / tool related sites, but you might benefit from just a 'brief run-through' of them, see what you think!
IF any of these links you try don't work - please let me know.   E-mail to Bill

last updated: Sunday 20 March, 2005 at 14:20 USA-EDT;  by: Bill Schell