Monday, 16th - 04:10 a.m.: - Free Concert -
Ms. Froggie was RIGHT outside the bedroom window this morning and
treated me to a free frog-song-concert (to awaken me)...
After 20 minutes of this I realized she probably would not quit - so I
got up!...
Sunday, the 15th...
well - (WELL) - it were a VERY VERY GOOD day Hang-Gliding (I looked
at the weather web-sites this morning and decided that kite-boarding
would be BORING, so I left the house at 07:20 a.m. to go Hang Gliding...)
- I KNOW that I tend to 'bore' people sometimes with my
continued 'obsession' - and I promise - after this - I won't bore you
'as much'.
- Today I had four flights at "
The Florida Ridge".
Flights 1 through 3 were not 'anything to write home about', but were
good at 'getting me 'into'' the 'groove' and at working-out some kinks
in some new gear. One HAS to do these short and sweet flight(s) some
HOWEVER, flight 4 was the real deal
- I will only 'tempt' you with some fairly basic statistics, here
(since I've been abused about the number of statistics in my
- time in the air: 2 hours - 24 minutes ( a new 'Personal Best' time (previous record was 1 hour, 19 minutes )
- total distance (track-log-length) flown: over 105 kilometers
(over 65 miles); all within a radius of about 3 miles of the field
- 'number of climbs': - about 7 major climbs (about 25 total climbs)
- best-climb: 900 feet to 4,500 feet (within one thermal) in 'about'
10 minutes (360 feet per minute) not stellar but definitely not bad)
- highest altitude attained: "about" 4,550 feet
the 'link' to the '
statistics' (well some of them):
the 'link' to the
graphs / graphics:
I must pass-along that my 'success' here had to do with a LOT MORE than just ME... I 'owe thanks' (and am thankful to):
- Mr._Kevin_Carter for his extensive advice and patience with my questions and queries...
- Mr._AA for all his support and kindnesses
- Mr._and_Ms._ Hang_Glider pilots from various and sundry sources with a LOT of advice and suggestions...
- Mr._Kerry the tug (tow-plane) pilot for flying-around me during
early flights, watching, and making suggestions & comments...
- Ms._Stabilizing fin for having been removed (thanks to Mr._Kerry's_suggestion!)
- Ms._LIFT for being VERY GOOD to me today...
- Mr._Brad for flying with me as a reference point... (we were VERY FAST(45-50 mph) at getting away from clouds!)
- Ms._May for getting me into the sport (when I said "I'll Watch" the very very first time we went!)
- Mr._James_Tindle_and_his_lovely_family for their 'investment' in The Florida Ridge flight park so I can fly there...
- HOWEVER, it was ME in the glider, today, and it was ME that did
the 2 hours plus - and so - though it was an exceptionally good day
(lots of LIFT) it does take some skill, knowledge, and guts to make
this happen!
A very short (mostly on the ground (getting 'tips' from Mr. Kerry the tug pilot))
video is available here from our "Gallery" web-site...
for the 'Track-Log' file overlain on top of a "Google Earth" image -
smaller-version (240K bytes) OR
larger-version (about 1 megabyte)
other still-pictures and videos and such to come at a later date (I have to get some sleep, now - I'm tired!)
Saturday the 14th:
Well this 'geocaching' thing I thought would be a 'snap' -
because I'm fairly experienced with the GPS and I have a bicycle (two
actually) and some Hang Gliding friends introduced me to this when I
was recently up in Maryland. There's a
where you can learn more about the sport, and you can find out where
the geocaches are in your 'neighborhood'. I was amazed to
discover that there's something like 83 within a 10 mile radius of our
house here in Stuart, Florida.
However, I'm glad to report (embarassingly enough) that I was
a complete failure...
I picked-out 3 for the morning's activities - via bicycle (all
within less than 1 mile (as the crow flies)) and I couldn't find even
one... Then I downloaded a few more, later in the
morning, got in the car, couldn't find any of those, either.
(fire-lines having been cut through a forest, some rattlesnakes,
more poison ivy than is in our WHOLE yard and a paved-over-street
seemed to be in the way of some?)
So then I got home from that episode, downloaded a few more, got in the car, again, tried them, failed again...
My Hang-Gliding friend says 'keep the faith' that I WILL find some!
I'm not so sure. I've never felt such a complete feeling
of utter failure at ANYTHING in my life - so I MUST TRY AGAIN! - I will
try until I succed (at least once). MAYBE if I find success in
this endeavour, I might find greater success at other things in life,
huh? See above note(s) for a real success - I can do SOMETHING
right! (with advice!)...
Friday the 13th - I didn't know this until I arrived at "
The Florida Ridge" (flight-park) - maybe that's why no one else flew hang-glider(s) today. I flew twice in my own glider (
Wills Wing Sport 2 - 155) and then once in Dennis' glider - a new
North Wing "
Horizon ET" - very similar to my glider but flies a bit slower, and is a tiny bit bigger, and has much nicer (landing) wheels on it...
Now I'm home, here in Stuart, and I'm 'struggling' with the
Windows_XP-PC "only" software from Garmin (the maker of my GPSMap
76CSx) to get the appropriate maps back onto the machine after the use
of the GPS in Maryland for retrievals. When Davis loaded the
Maryland map-road-detail, the software wiped-out my Florida maps that
I'd loaded into the GPS...
I suspect I might invest in a couple more 'SanDisk microSD' cards to
make this situation such that I do not NEED the Windows_XP-PC any
I also have track-logs of today's flight(s) - but - apparently most of
my readers / viewers have decided that hang-gliding track-logs look
like 'squiggly-lines' (which - - of course - - they are) - so those
track-logs are only going to be available here if you want them (when I
get around to 'editing' them and uploading them: Flight_1
Flight_2 ) ... ... ...
Mr._Kerry is now flying the tug at The Florida Ridge on a regular basis
and he's VERY GOOD. With today's 'massive' lift on tow
(over 1,000 fpm) - he tried, a couple of times, to 'drop' me in
the 'core' of the thermal and sometimes that can get VERY EXCITING.
The excitment level is especially HIGH when I'm
flying a different glider (like Dennis' excellent North Wing)...
BUT, today, - the LIFT was there - I just couldn't seem to stay in it,
and after a while I decided I was not only TIRED, but the thunderstorms
were getting closer than I was comfy with.
On the drive over and return from The Florida Ridge I stopped at
several places on Lake Okeechobee - which due to recent drought(s) and
the horrendous development of Southern Florida (which means more people
using water out of the lake (and more irrigation taking water out of
the lake)) is WAY WAY down from it's 'normal' 15-18 feet (above sea
level). It's nearing 9 feet right now - the lowest level it's
been at since it was built some nearly 60-80 years ago.
here's some pictures of the low lake level -
Lake Okeechobee picture 1,
Lake Okeechobee picture 2,
Lake Okeechobee picture 3.
ALSO: _ had the mini-van serviced on Wednesday - it's still going VERY STRONG with 55,000 miles (2 1/2 years old)...
HOME! - (9th June): actually
arrived here last night about 6:30 p.m. after stopping by Jacksonville
to visit with Mom for an hour or so... - Now doing the laundry, washing
the mini-van (inside and out) - rinsing the kite-board-kites (and other
gear) - vacuuming the sand (and dirt) out of the mini-van, cleaning out
the ice-chest. Also had a 'cooked breakfast' this morning (after
12 mornings of cold cereal with fruit, a cooked breakfast was a REAL
TREAT... BUT I had to go to the grocery store, because
after 12 days away the only thing left was cat-food - and Ms. Siew Mei,
(the cat) said that was HERS! - anyway - good to be home but already
checking out the weather this week for kiteboarding and/or hang-gliding
- we'll see which way the weather goes (right now it looks like
low-winds and RAIN most of the week but that could all change!.
Today I have to deal with the
trash cans, mowing the lawn, and other such domestic chores...
Today is Saturday, 7th June -
the last (scheduled) day of the "East Coast Championships" - hang
gliding event here near Ridgely, Maryland at Highland Aerosports (small
The forecast for the day includes (but is not limited to): 96 F
degree temperature (with 102 heat-index) - 33% cloud-cover, 46%
humidity, 5-10 mph wind out of the south-west (later in the day) - it's
FOGGY right now (at 07:53 a.m.) - 200-500 fpm LIFT (which is 'fair but
not 'stellar'') - and MAYBE we'll get a 'long-task' off to the north /
north-north-east - we'll see what the weather, the
task-committee, and etc. all end-up-with...
Today is Friday, 6th June (two days after the anniversary (on 4 June) of the "Tianamen Square" incident in China)

Sunset from Friday, 6th June... - not a great picture but not bad for a camera-phone...
Sometimes I yearn for my old Hasselblad at times like this; when I want
to take a really GREAT picture of something really STUNNING. The
sunrise and sunset opportunities here are typically pretty good.
The opportunity for using a top-end camera abound. I feel really
'limited' with the iPhone's camera, though excellent for a camera phone
yielding 1,200 x 1,600 pixel images, the ability to crop in the camera
/ zoom / wide and white-balance are way limited compared to an advanced
amateur or professional grade digital camera.

Here's a picture of some people attempting to 'pass the time' AND stay
in the shade in the 87 F degree temperatures in the launch-area.
The tug-pilots and the field-crew
'launched' most of the field, today before about 3 p.m.. Then
most of them landed about 4 p.m. THEN most of those re-launched -
and then, UGH UGH UGH UGH...
Just a 'few' of the many people I recognize (roughly from left to right): Belinda, David, Tom, Jamie, Ron, Jim, Mandy, Jonny.
The guy who
'won the day' - Mark Frutiger (from New York) - didn't 'start' his flight towards the northern goal until 5:18 p.m. -
WOW (a very very late start).
I didn't start driving (to do retrievals) until about 4:30 p.m.; two people had telephoned me before
I even left the Highland Aerosports property; but I was finished
picking-people-up and back at Higland by 6:00 p.m..
Today is Thursday, 5th June:
Mr._Bill is STILL AT the 'East_Coast_Championships'
hang-gliding event here in Ridgely, Maryland) A few more
pictures here, and notes of both hang-gliding and kiteboarding (the
hang-gliding was 'blown-out' (too much wind / bad conditions)) to fly
on Tuesday(3rd) and Wednesday (4th), this week.
So there was a contingent of 3 of us with kiteboard gear and assorted
hangers-on and we went kiteboarding one day quite near Annapolis,
Maryland at a place called
Sandy Point Park. It was gusty out of the south-east (probably because of the
'Bay Bridge' (we have no pictures, sorry)). Then on Wednesday(4th) we went
to 'Dewey Beach, Delaware - Atlantic coast; pictures courtesy of Ms._Amanda_Brown
(commonly known as "Purple Glasses Green Hat (from a hang-gliding
competition 2 years ago in Florida)), now more commonly known as
'Mandy'). Her Dad is competing here and strangely enough he's
not normally known as Rick Brown, he's more commonly known as "Mandy's
Dad" - go figger...

a picture of the 'beach area' here at Dewey Beach, Delaware (this is
the 'sound-side' of a tiny little isthmus of land - the
picture-direction is 'roughly' NNW.

This is a picture of Mr._Bill and his 13 meter kite. Ms._Mandy
captured this image (roughly to the WNW) with several seagulls. Note
there are VERY VERY VERY few 'white-caps' - and so the 13 meter kite is
still small for this wind-strength - but it's the biggest kite that I
Anyway - pictures of kiteboarding at Dewey Beach (on the sound-side, not on the Atlantic side) (
(where Mr._Bill sliced-up his right big toe on the 1,000s of HUGE
horseshoe-crabs on the bottom, when the wind died and he had to walk
back to shore.) Then after lunch we went further south to
Fenwick Island (Delaware) State Park (
map). However, tornado warnings were up so we never actually got to do any kiteboarding here...

here's a 'track-log' image of Mr. Bill's kiteboarding - (click for larger)
Mr._Joe did not get to go kiteboarding this day (and didn't
rip-apart his toes on the horse-shoe-crabs) because he didn't have a
big enough kite.
Much of the 'public-information' (that is available on the web) is
based on the Delaware "Atlantic Coast" beaches - Note we were (at Dewey
Beach) on the "Sound Side" not on the Atlantic (seashore-side).
Though at Fenwick Island we WOULD have been in the Atlantic Ocean (we
never got out there)... This link is to the Delaware "
Seashore Park" - which is 'mostly' about the Atlantic Coastal beaches, not the sound side beach(es)...

and another sunrise picture - which I seem to specialize at these
sunrise pictures because I'm always up at about 05:15 a.m.. THIS
MORNING, though someone left in an airplane at about 05:30 - that was a
'thrill' - he flew right over me as he left the runway...
Other people have done greater justice to the Hang Gliding event and it's associated activities...
Jamie's Blog here Jonny's Blog here Jeff O'Brien's Blog here
One of the 'odd' things that one rarely thinks about in the
hang-gliding world, is that there are at least five cars here from
Florida; Jamie's, Jim's, Pau & Lauren's, mine, and Campbell's
"BIG_HONKING_TRUK", and not a one of us has a sticker from a Florida
flight-park... Harumph - we need to remedy this situation somehow? -
MAYBE we need to 'abuse' some Florida Flight Park Owners about their
lack of stickers?
BIG NEWS: Ms._May's ceramic_art has now been featured in the NATIONAL CIRCULATION ceramics magazine "Ceramics_Monthly".
Please go visit this web-site to read more about her successes in
the ceramics world.
We are VERY PROUD of her achievement(s)
Well - today is the first of June and also the
first day of the 'East Coast Championships' (Hang
Gliding competition (hosted at "
Highland Aerosports")) - here in Ridgely, Maryland). Ridgely is about 60 miles due
east of Annapolis, Maryland and about 60 miles south west of Dover,
Delaware (and right in the midst of some quite good kite-boarding spots
(that Mr. Bill visited and evaluated on Friday, 30th May...))
Running into old-friends and making new ones is always a part of the
hang-gliding thing. No matter where in the USA (or I guess the
world) that we go - we always find people we've met before...
As someone once said about Hang Gliding, "In any other sport
I've been involved in there were
always people I didn't like; but in the Hang Gliding world, I've yet to
meet anyone I don't like." I guess this pretty much
why we like the people we meet and fly with.
Just a few of the people who we've re-acquainted with here, are: Jim,
Sunny, Adam, Mandy, Rick, Jamie, Belinda, Davis, Nicole,
Campbell, James, Lauren, Paul, and a whole host of others...
Some new, some old, some from all over... A few others have yet
to arrive, but have said via e-mail or telephone that they will be
Saturday (31st of May) should have been a 'practice' day but it was
'practice staying dry' day - there were a whole host of storms in /
around the Chesapeake Bay area, and we got our share, both here at
Highland Aerosports (with 60 knot gusts and hail) and when we (myself
and a couple of others) tried to go kiteboarding - in Stevensville (at a place called "Terrapin Park" (
The rain and thunder and hail and lightning and even a tornado or
two reported were amazing... - however, this morning (Sunday, 1st of
June) things are drying out nicely!

just one view of the 'camping' area...

a sunset at Highland Aerosports (with the Mini-Van and Mr. Panda Bear in evidence)

a sunrise at Highland Aerosports, - from Saturday morning...

Here's Mr._Bill's glider (to the left) our mini-van and Ms._Lauren's glider (to the right).
I'm here 'mostly', though, to drive retrievals ( that is to pick-up competitors / pilots) when
they don't land where they started from (they're not 'supposed' to land
where they started from on most days)... However, the driving-retrievals thing is a lot
of work and one needs a lot of skills / talents / knowledge when engaged in this role...
One needs skills in navigation as well as communications (and driving,
too!) Sometimes; the pilots can't find all the skills they
need in a single "carbon based life form" (person) so they have
to hire a "TEAM" to help them out... The team
typically consists of one or more people to do the jobs... someone
really GOOD at
Navigating and someone ELSE GOOD at
and then they ALSO have to have a DRIVER... It takes a lot of
COORDINATION to keep all these people pointed in the same direction!...
- more pictures later -
last updated: 20:33 p.m. on Monday 16 June, 2008 revID: 1p