'Red Tree' - I have NO IDEA what these things are called, but they are
blooming all around Stuart, Hobe Sound, Jupiter, etc. right now and
they are GORGEOUS (but not QUITE as gorgeous as my _Huggly_Bunch_,
though she has taken some pictures and put them on her _blog-site_.
in south Florida has it's 'ups and downs' - we discovered, yesterday,
some 'animal abuse' - it was very very sad - but - well - it happens, I
guess. (Picture NOT for the "Faint of Heart") - HOWEVER, the
bright-side is that today I discovered just the opposite, - animal
love!. - so - enjoy
abuse of animals (not very large) Animal Love and Tenderness LOTs of Love and Tenderness (much bigger-image)
Lesson to learn; do NOT leave your garage door open if you tend to 'abuse' your animals;
if you think the "Love and Tenderness" picture looks a 'little' skewed'
(or funny) you are NOT WRONG - this is an 'artifact' (near as I can
describe it) of digital camera(s) (this one on my iPhone) when digital
cameras (especially in-expensive ones) take a picture of a
'moving-object' things do NOT LOOK CORRECT. So it's not
that you are getting old or can't see or need glasses (or maybe a new
computer) this IS A FUNKY IMAGE - don't worry about your eyes (but
maybe worry about your digital camera...)
Oh Oh OH OH _ almost
forgot - met this guy while riding my TriceQ today (Saturday, 29th) and
he said he desperately wanted to be on my web-site so here he is:!
small_picture Largerester_picture
- oh - I guess there's more pictures I 'should' publish... - this one
is (kind of boring, huh?) of the new 0.8 mile long 'bicycle-path' that
the Martin County government just completed... - Mr._Bill has been
riding on it now nearly a week. It's the 'final-piece' in about
50-80 miles of a bicycle-pathway (some of which is sidewalk)
, and
this one, tiny little (0.8 mile) segment was 'missing' and this was a
VERY DANGEROUS road, before. Now with the new bicycle-path -
it's MUCH SAFER!....
Epic Journey: (the
return trip was 16 hours of driving / 960 miles in one day (Monday,
The most recent to the far-reaches of western-Kentucky -
specifically to "Paducah" for their Art and Music Festival" - we have
some friends there (mostly Ms. May's pottery-friend(s) but the guy
(Mr._John) was the 'catalyst' for why I bought my recumbent tricycle...
- they were in the 'heart' of the closed-off-streets of the Art &
Music Festival, but we DID get a chance to do some tricycle-riding and
some other things - here's a random-collection of 'pictures'
Ms._May's blog will have more content as time goes by and she has a chance to organize pictures and write some text...
- speaking-of-triking - they've FINISHED our new-addition to the
bike-path! (here in Stuart (pictures to come, later) This
is WONDEROUS NEWS and we really appreciate the "Obama-Money" that went
into this project (and the associated 'fixing-up' of the
(Black-Holes) in the side-walk, also.!!! The
new-bike-path is only about 0.8 miles long, but it puts a 'finish' on
side-walks / bike-lanes - etc. where there was NOTHING on a very very
scary stretch of the local A1A road, and so with this new 0.8 mile long
bike-path things will be MUCH MUCH SAFER for those of us riding cycles
along that road...
This little-link is for Mr._John on how to assemble his new 'bike-flag' - picture1 picture2
AND a brief stint (well the better part of two days, actually) spent on the 'Sand Pumping Station' at Boynton Inlet
(about an hour's drive south of home), working on a camera-system and
wireless radio(s) and such. This location is nice and
presented a opportunity to let you see why this work that I do,
every once in a while is NOT BAD DUTY for an old-guy like me...
VERY pretty scenery...
Friday, 14th May, 2010:
Well - MANYMANYMANY times in my life I've been exceedingly proud
to be married to someone so intelligent, versatile, beautiful, etc.
etc. etc. (need I say more)
BUT _ WHEN she comes up with "THIS STUFF" _ this is when I'm most proud!
This we call 'Antenering' (Ant Engineering) - and - well - we
suppose that you can tell EXACTLY what this is for... - but - it's
WONDERFUL to have a huggly_bunch who does this stuff...!!!
Thursday, 13th May, 2010:
Ms._May has added some roses to the 'DirtGo' project
(adequately described below). - We now have 2 of this - and 2 of that -
roses by _Home_Depot_ coupon(s) (we are both now members of the _HD_
"_Garden_Club_") and we get coupons for this, that, and the other.
looking-south (these are the northern roses: - click on image for bigger
looking-north (these are the southern roses: - click on image for bigger
We also bought five more
_Maxijet_ sprinkler_stakes and
Netafim sprinkler-heads
and we're getting into the 'irrigation' thing really well. These
two products really put the water RIGHT WHERE YOU WANT / NEED it and
there's little over-spray and virtually no waste.
These little sprinkler things are designed for plants, shrubs,
tree-roots, NOT for 'lawns' - which is the 'application arena' for the
bulk of the sprinkler heads that most people have seen and use...
holes in these things are on the order of 1/32 to 1/64 inch or less (about 0.2 to 0.5 mm)
and so when you drill a new hole in the (distribution) pipe (hose) and/or let dirt get in the distribution pipe (hose) -
you're really in for some fun-times getting all that 'goo' out of
the system (blowing out the sprinkler-heads with an air-hose works
great though).
Oh - here's a
...pdf brochure from the Maxijet people
- (who make the stakes / hoses) - with a little - little - little TINY
sprinkler head that goes on top - if you want it... We're not using
these but they could be VERY EFFECTIVE if you want them. The 'main' Netafim sprinklers (all plastic)
web-page is here.
Picture of Maxijet sprinkler stake (and associated hose) - along with a
"_Netafim_" micro-sprinkler-head (which 'screws-into' the hose-end at
the top of the stake... - click on image for bigger
Here's the whole-thing 'assembled' before plugging the hose into the
distribution pipe(hose) and before putting the stake in the ground...
think that what you see here is about $1.65 plus tax - pretty good
value for money...
They have black stakes, but the company
we buy from (
Kilpatrick Irrigation)
always seems to be out-of-stock of something... - On the other hand _ I
think all this 'micro-irrigation' stuff we have we might have a
grand-total of about $30 invested and it's not only REALLY INEXPENSIVE
stuff but it's REALLY EFFECTIVE, also...
Mr._Bill the trikist has 'added-value' to his life from the kindness and thoughtfulness of his huggly_one...
Ms._May found - by searching on the internet - a little-tiny radio with
a crank-handle AND Solar-Cell power (options) and it does AM, FM, and a
bunch of other goodies... IT arrived this afternoon, via
postal-mail and we made a bracket for it, and even tested it (and YES
it sounds pretty-good even at VERY LOW volume - right behind my head!..
- Also note, from the abot picture(s) that it is RED, like the trike -
and I even, now, wear a long-sleeved RED Shirt - so MAYBE I'm becoming
fashion-alert in my old age (but don't hold your breath!)
Saturday, 08 May, 2010:
Today is the WWEEKKEENNDD! - and we are liking this -
However, we managed, this week, to accomplish a few things (not many -
just a few) - and these are the sorts of things we live for in our
- We managed to 'rebuild / refurbish / renew / relax / re-invigorate' our OLD mailbox and street-number-sign... ( small picture / large picture )
- We managed to buy and haul-home another six bags of 'Dirt' (we
actually found out this stuff is called 'Soil' (at least in the
dictionary)), however, I like what my sister said, after a picture of
the mini-van-full-of bags of this stuff, she said, "Ah HA! - you've
been to the 'Dirt Store'". (see project information and picture,
below, called "DirtGo" project...
- We managed to understand (maybe a tiny bit) our cat, who said, "I
ain't gonna eat that 'stuff' you've been throwing-at-me, I want
something BETTER!" - so we went to the cat-food-store and bought her
some 'pouch-food' (at a significantly greater cost per meal (or per
ounce - or per purr (or whatever other criteria you want to use to
measure - it's MORE EXPENSIVE!))
- We managed to find a new restaurant ( Thai Bistro ) that serves "_Thai_Food_" that's way more betterer than previous Asian_Food restaurants around here...
- Mr._Bill managed to fix all the broken-parts / pieces / rigging on the Europe Dinghy ( International Class Association web-site
) (I mean the boat IS 15 plus years old)... that I broke earlier this
week by sailing it in 18-22 knots of wind, (when YES - even though the
tricycle riding has caused me to lose 20-25 pounds I'm still 30 to 40
pounds too HEAVY for this little boat...
- Managed over 100 miles on my recumbent tricycle
- and that makes me 'feel-good' - though it is HOT HOT HOT out there
these days - and if it's this HOT now, what's it going to be like in
July and August... ??? - and I've been wanting something other than my
DARK black and dark-blue long-tights to keep the sun-off, I think the
wifely_one is going to get me some tights that have one orange leg and
one green leg - that ought to be interesting. I HAD (in the
distant-past) some tights that were pink and black, but I was not
allowed to wear them in 'public' (Publix?)? - I also now have some
cotton & polyester mix tights that have teddy-bears on them - but
again - my compliant wearing is limited to inside the house...
FIVE YEARS), some FREE ENCs (from NOAA (US Government)) and a FREE ENC
viewer (called PolarView ( from: http://www.polarnavy.com
)). If you don't know what ENCs are, they are "Electronic
Navigational Charts" - (that is computer-based marine / maritime
navigational charts...) - more info here, and there, and almost
everywhere (except for our Antarctic cruise (in February of 2011),
looks like we might have to PAY FOR the ENCs - as neither Argentina nor
the Falkland Islands give their data away for free...
- Turns out, though, that the UK Hydrographic office MIGHT be able to help us, since we are non-professional and 'consumers'...
- HOW - SO - EVER, please note that because all this stuff is
FREE FREE FREE, that it is a LOT of WORK to get the program (the
viewer) and download (FOR FREE) the various and sundry charts from the
NOAA web-site (and - of course agree to the liability clauses and
licenses and all that sort of stuff - and ANY AREA you want to 'view' -
is - of course, - covered by "n" charts - each of which has "y"
different scales and - of course - knowing that these are based on
PAPER, that ANY PLACE you are interested in - is ALREADY, CONVENIENTLY
LOCATED at the intersection of AT LEAST FOUR CHARTS - so - well - you
get the picture, huh?
- We managed to find out what certain people do when we are not around and not looking ( picture_1 picture_2 )
- We managed to find out what certain OTHER people do when they want to SHARE in the morning-activities and they can't 'Hold-On' long enough?
Today is Monday, 3 May, - Mr._Bill proved the saying that, "Old
sailors never die, they just get a little dinghy...!!!" - he spent
about 2 1/2 hours sailing around in his 'little dinghy' and it was fun,
(but a LOT of WORK!)... little dinghies are a hand-ful in the
(terrific) wind I had today... - Wind was roughly 135 degrees at about
16-22 knots - gusting to about 28 knots... - It was a REALLY GOOD DAY,
though, wind-wise...
infamous "DirtGo" project is nearing completion... - Here's a picture
taken actually, LATE on the 30th of April (before the month of May
begins), but not much... - However, one should recognize that to
MOVE all the DIRT that was here (about 1,500 pounds) took almost a WEEK
of VERY HEAVY LIFTing (so to speak) - twas a MAJOR 'huggly-do' project!
- but it's "MOSTLY" done, now, and on the evening of the 30th (a
Friday) we went to Lowe's (not Highs (as someone suggested)) after
dinner and bought 20 bags of various and sundry soil-types - so MAYBE
for the very first time in the roughly six and and half years we've
lived in this house - this 'planter' will both GROW Something and won't
"Leak Dirt" onto the driveway anymore...
What ELSE has transpired, - in the very first few days of the Month of May??? - well - not much - to be exact....
BUT a few things transpired as we 'closed-out' the monht of April:
- Mr._Bill is now old enough to need 'reading glasses' (that have my 'prism' in them and are also very nice for computer-work
- Mr._Bill
decided that his six-year-old Windows XP PC laptop was not
'young-enough' to boot Knoppix from a USB-disc (ho-hum! (maybe buy a
new PC?)
- Ms._May is still 'building-bowls' trying to figure out how many bowls she can make with one bag of clay (25 pounds)
- Ms._Siew_Mei is still bringing home lizards, both dead and alive...
- Mr._and_Ms._Owl(s)
have begun frequenting more than the trees across the street to the
east, we have now seen them in the trees to the west, also.
- Mr._and_Ms._Bunny-Rabbit(s) continue to dig holes in the yard and holes under the fence
AND - I passed the "G.R.O.L." test (elements 1 & 3 (124 questions) on Friday, 2 April, down
in Ft. Lauderdale... -It is
considerably more work, questions, study, electronic theory, etc. than any of the Amateur
Radio tests were, and I've been studying the "G.R.O.L." material for
nearly 3 months... - here's a
Wikipedia Link if you're interested to learn more about this 'advanced'
FCC license...
I'm hoping to pass other elements (7, 8, 9 (about 200
questions)) late in May, that will give me even more useless pieces of
paper to hang on my wall...
Mr._Bill's best hang-gliding-flight (Ever) - see the FlightLog.Org web-page, here...
updated: 11:52 a.m. on Saturday, 29 May, 2010 - from the Macintosh "G5" - revID: 1h