Bill Schell's "BeachWeb" for November  2014       made-with-Nvu-t.png

Today is Saturday, 22 November, and we've been doing a LOT around here... - We should show you the new way to raise things to grow, and then eventually eat...

some pictures are in order:


the 'raised garden bed' (rgb (lower-case)) in it's new location, with some old plants, some new plants and some irrigation it did not have before.

well - we'll have to take a picture, here, nothing we have even begins to 'do justice' to the time and effort we put into this?!

the 'veggie-bed' - which, right now, has 'berries' - raspberries and blueberries and some onions around the outside...

Mom_Targa_sm.jpg    Overby_win_sm.jpg

and here's a couple of 'oldies but goodies'  (both of which are at least 30 years old!) that we found in the 'deepest archives'! - both of which bring-back excellent memories of an entirely different sort...

Today is Sunday, 16th November... - I seem to have acquired a cold last Wednesday during a meeting (unlike some meetings I was 'entranced' and only realized too late I was shivering and freezing... -  ANYWAY - today is Sunday and I just barely feel  human, again, so I went paddling some, this afternoon.


in this image the 'cyan' is what I did on the 'guided-tour' (noted below) and the 'purple' is what I did, today(16th)...

Today's (Saturday, 08 November) activities included a 'guided' tour around the 'paddling-area' that is about 3 minutes in the car, from our house...

IF you want to look-it-up on "Google Earth" put in "Great Pocket, Stuart, Florida" and see what you get?

The 'Guide' today was Ms. Christine, backed-up by Ms. Beth, both 'AmeriCorp' people from the 'Seabrach State Park'...

here's a picture of our 'crowd' after having a snack on the beach?..


here's a little 'track-log' file (the 'cyan-blue-line where we paddled) (from my (OLD-Garmin) GPS) overlain on top of a Google Earth 'image'...

Modern Technology really is better than the 'old-stuff'

Yes - I've said this before, but recent purchases, and uses of other things have proven it - yet-again...

AND - a recent visit by a relative and her beau really perked-me-up, really enjoyed their brief time here.  Attempted to teach them some kiteboarding basics, and some other things, but, alas, the weather didn't cooperate like we wanted, but it was still a productive time.

I spent 'some time' (tri) cycling on the L.O.S.T., yesterday, if you want to see the results, click here... it was REALLY WINDY out of the NNW, and I went REALLY SLOW on the way north, barely pushing 9mph, but there were times, on the way back (with the wind behind me) when I was really moving along.

TODAY, is only 2 November, so not much has happened yet.  However, the "Stuart Air Show" is today, so I'm away to nearby places to do other things... The Stuart Air Show happens about this time each year, and I suspect for those that are into Air Shows it's pretty good, but seems to make a lot of noise from my viewpoint.

SO - More to come when things happen...
an oldie but a goodie! - or a (BIGGER VERSION click here)

Mr. Panda-bear had his annual "bath" on 03 Sepetember, and here's his web-page:

Archived BeachWeb monthly (and other) site(s):   Click here for a list of the archived months

updated:  06:22  p.m. (USA-EDT)  Sunday,  23  November 2014;     by: Mr._Bill on the Apple Macintosh 'Mac Mini' - revID:  1d